

...this is war, like you ain't seen...

Well this night turned out to be a rather pleasant surprise. I was able to chat with some friends (via online messenging), listen to a good sermon (via podcast), and set a little fire to get some things done and move on with life. Having friends to pray for and who will pray for you is really quite sweet. Praise God for that certainly! Listened to a podcast by Mark Driscoll on the Song of Solomon, and man he is terribly insightful and smart. I don't think I can get the things he gets out of the Bible, not to say that is bad, he just brings really good stuff to the table.

I would like to travel the world. Live a life that is scaled way back. Live on the road, maybe be poor for a season. I terribly would love to be in a band and have that be my life. Major obstacles to that: money, talent (which can be developed), creativity (which can be helped along), and other band mates. My dream band...well I am not sure what exactly it would look like. I guess I would like to be in Dustin Kensrue's shoes. For those of you who know me, I know it seems like I talk about him and Thrice alot...but don't worry, I am not making idols. For those of you who are lost as to what I am talking about...Dustin Kensrue is the lead singer of Thrice, my favorite band, who have a very heavy but wide reaching sound. They span a wide gamut of genres in my opinion. Dustin also has a solo project which is very folky and awesome. He is a Christian and his lyrics are so inspiring to me. I would love to be in his shoes for a while. I mean, you know what I mean...I would love to live that life. Only thing that would be cooler is if I had a wife and she was in my solo project...making it not such a solo project. Sweet. I can dream, and I can pray.

Heck, I would also like to just plain travel the world. I think spending a month in a different country and then going on to different countries for like 2 years would be so cool. I think that would be awesome. Oh if only a little thing called money wasn't the...oh how did it go..."the solution and cause to all our problems."

Oh life, you are such a journey.

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