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6 L.M. B. Beddome
The Wisdom and Knowledge of God. Ps. 139

1 God’s ways are just, his counsels wise;
No darkness can prevent his eyes;
No thought can fly, nor thing can move,
Unknown to him that sits above.

2 He in the thickest darkness dwells;
Performs his works, the cause conceals;
But though his methods are unknown,
Judgment and truth support his throne.

3 In heaven, and earth, and air, and seas,
He executes his firm decrees;
And by his saints it stands confessed,
That what he does is ever best.

4 Wait, then, my soul, submissive wait,
Prostrate before his awful seat;
And, ‘midst the terrors of his rod,
Trust in a wise and gracious God.

Imagine God as He is, except that he lacks one thing: goodness. The thought of an omniscient, omnipotent deity without any benevolence is a horror. This is not to say that we should not fear the God who is good. His power rightly evokes terror, but for those who know God, His power should rightly evoke our faith because He is "wise and gracious".

And how God is not like men! Who on this planet does what is "ever best"? Honest thought would lead us to the conclusion that man is about as good as a politician's promise. "His saints" have tasted and seen God's goodness (Ps. 34:8; 1 Cor. 11:26) manifest in its highest form on a small hill outside Jerusalem.

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