

Potent Quotables (8/12)

Had a fantastic day yesterday. Work, great time in Psalm 16, studied at Starbucks, cooked a great meal, and wrote a song. Looking forward to having lunch with a coworker tomorrow. Recently shared the gospel with her and I am eager to continue that conversation.

Is Internet Explorer For The Dumb? - This was a headline too good to pass up. Who knows how accurate the information is though. So, what browser do you use?
UPDATE: Looks like the story was a hoax. Oh, internet.

Signs - No, not the M. Night Shamalamadingdong movie. "When we come to know Jesus, we do so by joining Him in His mission. All followers of Christ are therefore missionaries. But what does that mean? It means that we are signs."

Ramadan: Praying for a Precious Sense of Emptiness - "It seems to me, therefore, that the way Jesus calls us to pray during Ramadan is that God would reveal to Muslims the emptiness of their worship. Jesus says they are not connecting with the true God. This is tragic. And it is more tragic when they think they are. Awakening to this emptiness would be a precious awakening."


What but Thy grace can foil the tempter's power? - Henry Lyte 

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